
分析类型 开始时间 结束时间 持续时间
文件 (apk) 2022-01-29 14:00:48 2022-01-29 14:06:44 356 秒
2022-01-29 14:02:03,067 [root] INFO: Starting analyzer from: /data/local/tmp/ojcjvt
2022-01-29 14:02:03,075 [root] INFO: Storing results at: /data/local/tmp/eqggyptxof
2022-01-29 14:02:03,079 [root] INFO: Target is: /data/local/tmp/dbzmjjbxz.apk
2022-01-29 14:02:03,083 [root] INFO: No analysis package specified, trying to detect it automagically
2022-01-29 14:02:03,087 [root] INFO: Automatically selected analysis package "apk"
2022-01-29 14:02:04,554 [root] INFO: Started auxiliary module FileCollector
2022-01-29 14:02:04,573 [root] INFO: Started auxiliary module Screenshots
2022-01-29 14:02:04,596 [root] INFO: Started auxiliary module TouchSimulator
2022-01-29 14:02:04,852 [root] INFO: installing sample on emulator: pm install /data/local/tmp/dbzmjjbxz.apk
2022-01-29 14:02:37,547 [root] INFO: Success

2022-01-29 14:02:37,577 [root] INFO: finished
2022-01-29 14:02:37,595 [root] INFO: executing sample on emulator:adb shell am start -n com.dangbei.tvlauncher/com.dangbei.tvlauncher.activity.SplashActivity
2022-01-29 14:05:29,458 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/48j2mfei6q478akwrlyi5b2gq.tmp
2022-01-29 14:05:29,661 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/4lzvu2u6137jk3fmk35wtgaas.tmp
2022-01-29 14:05:49,928 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/60fn9o1qasqzet4528i38vedx.tmp
2022-01-29 14:05:50,069 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/178iasn6c54quyz48s7pz3e6l.tmp
2022-01-29 14:06:09,771 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/3kok1fg0hvj6lt2kyy8hc28gj.tmp
2022-01-29 14:06:29,627 [modules.auxiliary.file_collector] INFO: FileCollector - File Not Exists: /mnt/sdcard/DBLauncher/cache/pics/6do33b7z8og2u48f2v0p78js6.tmp
2022-01-29 14:06:39,741 [root] INFO: Analysis timeout hit, terminating analysis
2022-01-29 14:06:41,260 [root] INFO: Analysis completed





图标 应用程序包(Package) 主活动(Main Activity)



特征低危险等级 中危险等级 高危险等级

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动态API调用 getSimCountryIso()
动态API调用 getMacAddress()
动态API调用 getNetworkOperatorName()
动态API调用 getSubscriberId()
动态API调用 getSimSerialNumber()
动态API调用 getDeviceId()
动态API调用 getNetworkOperator()
动态API调用 getSimOperatorName()
动态API调用 getNetworkCountryIso()
Receiver com.talkingdata.sdk.TDAntiCheatingService
Receiver android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED
Receiver android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
Receiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
Receiver android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
Receiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_EJECT
Receiver android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
Receiver android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
Receiver android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
Receiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING
Receiver com.tv.launcher.MovieWallperOpenCloseReceiver
Receiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_REMOVED
Receiver android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
Receiver com.tv.launcher.InstallAppReceiver
Receiver com.tv.launcher.PushMessageOpenCloseReceiver
Receiver com.dangbei.bizhi
Receiver android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
classes2.dex md5: f2bc8054f1d9a6c5afd4843ad79e16e8
type: Dalvik dex file version 035
name: classes2.dex
size: 761788
动态API调用 getInstalledPackages()
Query content://settings/system
动态API调用 ->values
动态API调用 ->getConstructorId
动态API调用 java.io.File->setReadable
动态API调用 ->getUidTxBytes
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.db->onTDEBEventAccount
动态API调用 dalvik.system.CloseGuard->open
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.ea->onTDEBEventForwardRequest
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dc->onTDEBEventAntiCheating
动态API调用 ->getUidRxBytes
动态API调用 ->get
动态API调用 dalvik.system.DexPathList->makeDexElements
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.df->onTDEBEventError
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.cm->onTDEBEventMyna
动态API调用 ->getUtdid
动态API调用 ->isExternalStorageRemovable
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dm->onTDEBEventPage
动态API调用 ->newInstance
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.ed->onTDEBEventDataStore
动态API调用 com.dangbei.tvlauncher.util.ZMApplication->registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks
动态API调用 android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl_EditorImpl->apply
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dg->onTDEBEventIAP
动态API调用 java.lang.Class->get
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dh->onTDEBEventInitEvent
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dd->onTDEBEventAppEvent
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.dp->onTDEBEventSession
动态API调用 com.tendcloud.tenddata.di->onTDEBEventLocationEvent
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Allows an application to show system-alert windows. Malicious applications can take over the entire screen of the phone.
android.permission.INTERNET Allows an application to create network sockets.
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and so on.
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows an application to write to the SD card.
android.permission.GET_TASKS Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.
android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE Allows an application to connect to and disconnect from Wi-Fi access points and to make changes to configured Wi-Fi networks.
android.permission.BLUETOOTH Allows an application to view configuration of the local Bluetooth phone and to make and accept connections with paired devices.
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Allows an application to configure the local Bluetooth phone and to discover and pair with remote devices.
android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE Allows an application to connect to and disconnect from Wi-Fi access points and to make changes to configured Wi-Fi networks.
android.permission.INTERNET Allows an application to create network sockets.
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Allows an application to write to the SD card.
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and so on.
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Access fine location sources, such as the Global Positioning System on the phone, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine where you are and may consume additional battery power.
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION Access coarse location sources, such as the mobile network database, to determine an approximate phone location, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine approximately where you are.
android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD Allows an application to disable the key lock and any associated password security. A legitimate example of this is the phone disabling the key lock when receiving an incoming phone call, then re-enabling the key lock when the call is finished.
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Allows an application to show system-alert windows. Malicious applications can take over the entire screen of the phone.
android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE Allows an application to free phone storage by deleting files in application cache directory. Access is usually very restricted to system process.
android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Allows application to process outgoing calls and change the number to be dialled. Malicious applications may monitor, redirect or prevent outgoing calls.
android.permission.GET_TASKS Allows application to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. May allow malicious applications to discover private information about other applications.



访问主机纪录 (可点击查询WPING实时安全评级)

直接 IP 安全评级 地理位置 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国 未知 中国

域名解析 (可点击查询WPING实时安全评级)

域名 安全评级 响应
i.tddmp.com 未知 A
esw.dangbei.com 未知 A
CNAME esw.dangbei.com.w.kunlunar.com
zm.dangbei.com 未知 CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
CNAME zm.dangbei.com.w.kunlunpi.com
api.map.baidu.com 未知 A
CNAME api.map.n.shifen.com
CNAME api.map.n.shifen.com
imgzm.qun7.com 未知 A
CNAME imgzm.qun7.com.a.bdydns.com
CNAME opencdnspy.jomodns.com
av1.xdrig.com 未知 A
CNAME av1.xdrig.com.td.fusion.iaas.jdcloud.com
CNAME av1.xdrig.com.td.fusion.iaas.jdcloud.com
CNAME av1.xdrig.com.td.fusion.iaas.jdcloud.com
update.dangbei.net 未知 A
CNAME update.dangbei.net.w.kunlunar.com
dbrlapi.dbkan.com 未知 A
CNAME dbrlapi.dbkan.com.w.alikunlun.com

Package com.dangbei.tvlauncher
Main Activity com.dangbei.tvlauncher.activity.SplashActivity





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adb install -r a.apk
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0x00000700 5D 3A 20 5B 41 52 47 48 5D 5C 6E 5B 64 61 6C 76 ]:.[ARGH]\n[dalv
0x00000710 69 6B 2E 76 6D 2E 68 65 61 70 73 69 7A 65 5D 3A ik.vm.heapsize]:
0x00000720 20 5B 33 32 6D 5D 5C 6E 5B 64 61 6C 76 69 6B 2E .[32m]\n[dalvik.
0x00000730 76 6D 2E 73 74 61 63 6B 2D 74 72 61 63 65 2D 66 vm.stack-trace-f
0x00000740 69 6C 65 5D 3A 20 5B 5C 2F 64 61 74 61 5C 2F 61 ile]:.[\/data\/a
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0x00000760 6E 5B 64 65 76 2E 62 6F 6F 74 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 n[dev.bootcomple
0x00000770 74 65 5D 3A 20 5B 31 5D 5C 6E 5B 67 73 6D 2E 63 te]:.[1]\n[gsm.c
0x00000780 75 72 72 65 6E 74 2E 70 68 6F 6E 65 2D 74 79 70 urrent.phone-typ
0x00000790 65 5D 3A 20 5B 31 5D 5C 6E 5B 67 73 6D 2E 64 65 e]:.[1]\n[gsm.de
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0x000007D0 70 65 5D 3A 20 5B 55 4D 54 53 5D 5C 6E 5B 67 73 pe]:.[UMTS]\n[gs
0x000007E0 6D 2E 6E 69 74 7A 2E 74 69 6D 65 5D 3A 20 5B 31 m.nitz.time]:.[1
0x000007F0 36 34 33 34 33 36 30 37 37 37 34 38 5D 5C 6E 5B 643436077748]\n[
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0x00000810 68 61 5D 3A 20 5B 41 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 5D 5C 6E ha]:.[Android]\n
0x00000820 5B 67 73 6D 2E 6F 70 65 72 61 74 6F 72 2E 69 73 [gsm.operator.is
0x00000830 6F 2D 63 6F 75 6E 74 72 79 5D 3A 20 5B 75 73 5D o-country]:.[us]
0x00000840 5C 6E 5B 67 73 6D 2E 6F 70 65 72 61 74 6F 72 2E \n[gsm.operator.
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0x00000870 6F 72 2E 6E 75 6D 65 72 69 63 5D 3A 20 5B 33 31 or.numeric]:.[31
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0x00000890 6F 70 65 72 61 74 6F 72 2E 61 6C 70 68 61 5D 3A operator.alpha]:
0x000008A0 20 5B 41 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 5D 5C 6E 5B 67 73 6D .[Android]\n[gsm
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0x00000940 20 31 2E 30 5D 5C 6E 5B 69 6E 69 74 2E 73 76 63 .1.0]\n[init.svc
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0x00000A10 6F 6C 64 66 69 73 68 2D 73 65 74 75 70 5D 3A 20 oldfish-setup]:.
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0x00000A30 2E 73 76 63 2E 69 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 64 5D 3A 20 .svc.installd]:.
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0x00000B10 65 72 76 69 63 65 6D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 5D 3A 20 ervicemanager]:.
0x00000B20 5B 72 75 6E 6E 69 6E 67 5D 5C 6E 5B 69 6E 69 74 [running]\n[init
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0x00000B40 67 65 72 5D 3A 20 5B 72 75 6E 6E 69 6E 67 5D 5C ger]:.[running]\
0x00000B50 6E 5B 69 6E 69 74 2E 73 76 63 2E 75 65 76 65 6E n[init.svc.ueven
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0x00000B70 5B 69 6E 69 74 2E 73 76 63 2E 76 6F 6C 64 5D 3A [init.svc.vold]:
0x00000B80 20 5B 72 75 6E 6E 69 6E 67 5D 5C 6E 5B 69 6E 69 .[running]\n[ini
0x00000B90 74 2E 73 76 63 2E 7A 79 67 6F 74 65 5D 3A 20 5B t.svc.zygote]:.[
0x00000BA0 72 75 6E 6E 69 6E 67 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E 65 74 2E 62 running]\n[net.b
0x00000BB0 74 2E 6E 61 6D 65 5D 3A 20 5B 41 6E 64 72 6F 69 t.name]:.[Androi
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0x00000BF0 31 30 2E 30 2E 32 2E 33 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E 65 74 2E]\n[net.
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0x00000C40 32 2E 33 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E 65 74 2E 65 74 68 30 2E 2.3]\n[net.eth0.
0x00000C50 64 6E 73 32 5D 3A 20 5B 31 30 2E 30 2E 32 2E 34 dns2]:.[
0x00000C60 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E 65 74 2E 65 74 68 30 2E 67 77 5D ]\n[net.eth0.gw]
0x00000C70 3A 20 5B 31 30 2E 30 2E 32 2E 32 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E :.[]\n[n
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0x00000C90 5D 3A 20 5B 31 30 2E 30 2E 32 2E 31 35 5D 5C 6E ]:.[]\n
0x00000CA0 5B 6E 65 74 2E 68 6F 73 74 6E 61 6D 65 5D 3A 20 [net.hostname]:.
0x00000CB0 5B 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2D 38 63 63 66 64 62 35 [android-8ccfdb5
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0x00000D00 75 6C 74 5D 3A 20 5B 34 30 39 36 2C 38 37 33 38 ult]:.[4096,8738
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0x00000D30 74 2E 74 63 70 2E 62 75 66 66 65 72 73 69 7A 65 t.tcp.buffersize
0x00000D40 2E 65 64 67 65 5D 3A 20 5B 34 30 39 33 2C 32 36 .edge]:.[4093,26
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0x00000D60 36 33 38 34 2C 33 35 30 34 30 5D 5C 6E 5B 6E 65 6384,35040]\n[ne
0x00000D70 74 2E 74 63 70 2E 62 75 66 66 65 72 73 69 7A 65 t.tcp.buffersize
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0x00000DB0 74 63 70 2E 62 75 66 66 65 72 73 69 7A 65 2E 68 tcp.buffersize.h
0x00000DC0 73 70 61 5D 3A 20 5B 34 30 39 34 2C 38 37 33 38 spa]:.[4094,8738
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0x00000DF0 74 2E 74 63 70 2E 62 75 66 66 65 72 73 69 7A 65 t.tcp.buffersize
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0x00000E20 36 32 31 34 34 2C 35 32 34 32 38 38 2C 31 30 34 62144,524288,104
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0x00000E40 62 75 66 66 65 72 73 69 7A 65 2E 75 6D 74 73 5D buffersize.umts]
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0x00000E60 30 32 30 38 2C 34 30 39 36 2C 31 36 33 38 34 2C 0208,4096,16384,
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0x00000EF0 6E 67 75 61 67 65 5D 3A 20 5B 65 6E 5D 5C 6E 5B nguage]:.[en]\n[
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0x00000F10 6C 65 76 61 72 5D 3A 20 5B 5D 5C 6E 5B 70 65 72 levar]:.[]\n[per
0x00000F20 73 69 73 74 2E 73 79 73 2E 70 72 6F 66 69 6C 65 sist.sys.profile
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0x00000F40 73 69 73 74 2E 73 79 73 2E 74 69 6D 65 7A 6F 6E sist.sys.timezon
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0x00000F70 79 73 2E 75 73 62 2E 63 6F 6E 66 69 67 5D 3A 20 ys.usb.config]:.
0x00000F80 5B 61 64 62 5D 5C 6E 5B 71 65 6D 75 2E 68 77 2E [adb]\n[qemu.hw.
0x00000F90 6D 61 69 6E 6B 65 79 73 5D 3A 20 5B 31 5D 5C 6E mainkeys]:.[1]\n
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0x00000FD0 69 74 79 5D 3A 20 5B 32 34 30 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 69 ity]:.[240]\n[ri
0x00000FE0 6C 64 2E 6C 69 62 61 72 67 73 5D 3A 20 5B 2D 64 ld.libargs]:.[-d
0x00000FF0 20 5C 2F 64 65 76 5C 2F 74 74 79 53 30 5D 5C 6E .\/dev\/ttyS0]\n
0x00001000 5B 72 69 6C 64 2E 6C 69 62 70 61 74 68 5D 3A 20 [rild.libpath]:.
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0x00001040 6D 6F 63 6B 2E 6C 6F 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 5D 3A 20 mock.location]:.
0x00001050 5B 31 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 61 73 65 62 61 6E [1]\n[ro.baseban
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0x00001080 6D 5D 3A 20 5B 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 6F 6F 74 m]:.[]\n[ro.boot
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0x000010D0 5D 3A 20 5B 75 6E 6B 6E 6F 77 6E 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 ]:.[unknown]\n[r
0x000010E0 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65 o.build.characte
0x000010F0 72 69 73 74 69 63 73 5D 3A 20 5B 64 65 66 61 75 ristics]:.[defau
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0x00001140 62 20 31 38 20 31 39 3A 35 33 3A 35 35 20 55 54 b.18.19:53:55.UT
0x00001150 43 20 32 30 31 35 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 C.2015]\n[ro.bui
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0x000011A0 75 69 6C 64 2E 64 69 73 70 6C 61 79 2E 69 64 5D uild.display.id]
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0x000011E0 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 66 69 6E 67 65 72 70 72 69 6E build.fingerprin
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0x00001230 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 68 6F 73 ]\n[ro.build.hos
0x00001240 74 5D 3A 20 5B 76 70 61 6B 32 38 2E 6D 74 76 2E t]:.[vpak28.mtv.
0x00001250 63 6F 72 70 2E 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 2E 63 6F 6D 5D corp.google.com]
0x00001260 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 69 64 5D 3A \n[ro.build.id]:
0x00001270 20 5B 4D 41 53 54 45 52 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 .[MASTER]\n[ro.b
0x00001280 75 69 6C 64 2E 70 72 6F 64 75 63 74 5D 3A 20 5B uild.product]:.[
0x00001290 67 65 6E 65 72 69 63 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 generic]\n[ro.bu
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0x000012D0 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 75 73 65 72 5D 3A [ro.build.user]:
0x000012E0 20 5B 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2D 62 75 69 6C 64 5D .[android-build]
0x000012F0 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E 76 65 72 73 \n[ro.build.vers
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0x00001310 52 45 4C 5D 5C 6E 5B 72 6F 2E 62 75 69 6C 64 2E REL]\n[ro.build.
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0x00000790 20 61 66 74 65 72 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6F .after.connectio
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0x000007B0 69 62 63 6F 72 65 2E 6E 65 74 2E 68 74 74 70 2E ibcore.net.http.
0x000007C0 48 74 74 70 55 52 4C 43 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6F HttpURLConnectio
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0x000007F0 43 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6F 6E 49 6D 70 6C 2E 6A ConnectionImpl.j
0x00000800 61 76 61 3A 34 39 31 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 6C 69 ava:491)\r\n\tli
0x00000810 62 63 6F 72 65 2E 6E 65 74 2E 68 74 74 70 2E 48 bcore.net.http.H
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0x00000830 6E 49 6D 70 6C 2E 73 65 74 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 nImpl.setRequest
0x00000840 50 72 6F 70 65 72 74 79 28 48 74 74 70 73 55 52 Property(HttpsUR
0x00000850 4C 43 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6F 6E 49 6D 70 6C 2E LConnectionImpl.
0x00000860 6A 61 76 61 3A 33 33 31 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 63 java:331)\r\n\tc
0x00000870 6F 6D 2E 74 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 64 2E 74 65 6E om.tendcloud.ten
0x00000880 64 64 61 74 61 2E 62 61 2E 62 28 74 64 3A 33 34 ddata.ba.b(td:34
0x00000890 33 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 65 6E 64 3)\r\n\tcom.tend
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0x000008B0 61 2E 61 28 74 64 3A 33 33 30 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C a.a(td:330)\r\n\
0x000008C0 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 64 2E 74 tcom.tendcloud.t
0x000008D0 65 6E 64 64 61 74 61 2E 62 61 2E 61 28 74 64 3A enddata.ba.a(td:
0x000008E0 32 39 39 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 65 299)\r\n\tcom.te
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0x00000900 2E 62 61 2E 61 28 74 64 3A 32 35 31 29 5C 72 5C .ba.a(td:251)\r\
0x00000910 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 64 n\tcom.tendcloud
0x00000920 2E 74 65 6E 64 64 61 74 61 2E 62 61 2E 61 28 74 .tenddata.ba.a(t
0x00000930 64 3A 36 39 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 d:69)\r\n\tcom.t
0x00000940 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 64 2E 74 65 6E 64 64 61 74 endcloud.tenddat
0x00000950 61 2E 65 61 2E 61 28 74 64 3A 31 38 37 29 5C 72 a.ea.a(td:187)\r
0x00000960 5C 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E 74 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 \n\tcom.tendclou
0x00000970 64 2E 74 65 6E 64 64 61 74 61 2E 65 61 2E 61 28 d.tenddata.ea.a(
0x00000980 74 64 3A 34 30 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 63 6F 6D 2E td:40)\r\n\tcom.
0x00000990 74 65 6E 64 63 6C 6F 75 64 2E 74 65 6E 64 64 61 tendcloud.tendda
0x000009A0 74 61 2E 65 63 2E 68 61 6E 64 6C 65 4D 65 73 73 ta.ec.handleMess
0x000009B0 61 67 65 28 74 64 3A 33 33 38 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C age(td:338)\r\n\
0x000009C0 74 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 6F 73 2E 48 61 6E 64 tandroid.os.Hand
0x000009D0 6C 65 72 2E 64 69 73 70 61 74 63 68 4D 65 73 73 ler.dispatchMess
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0x000009F0 3A 39 39 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 :99)\r\n\tandroi
0x00000A00 64 2E 6F 73 2E 4C 6F 6F 70 65 72 2E 6C 6F 6F 70 d.os.Looper.loop
0x00000A10 28 4C 6F 6F 70 65 72 2E 6A 61 76 61 3A 31 33 37 (Looper.java:137
0x00000A20 29 5C 72 5C 6E 5C 74 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 6F )\r\n\tandroid.o
0x00000A30 73 2E 48 61 6E 64 6C 65 72 54 68 72 65 61 64 2E s.HandlerThread.
0x00000A40 72 75 6E 28 48 61 6E 64 6C 65 72 54 68 72 65 61 run(HandlerThrea
0x00000A50 64 2E 6A 61 76 61 3A 36 30 29 5C 72 5C 6E 22 2C d.java:60)\r\n",
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访问主机纪录 (可点击查询WPING实时安全评级)

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域名解析 (可点击查询WPING实时安全评级)

域名 安全评级 响应
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dbrlapi.dbkan.com 未知 A
CNAME dbrlapi.dbkan.com.w.alikunlun.com


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IRC 流量



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Yara 无匹配
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